RTV NYC is a wonderful organization helping folks out in NYC with their new local voting structure. I am honored to be a part of helping them update all of their documents this year. Check them out at!
A wonderful, local, Queer farm here in Troutdale, OR, that two of my good friends run. I can confirm that this logo was modeled exactly after how their land appears when you visit! Check them out at!
Sean is a wonderful human, doing amazing things! This mailer was an informational campaign to let folks know how and when to vote, and to give more information on Sean’s colleagues who were running for different positions in his District. Please check out the great work that Sean does at
Sean is a wonderful human, doing amazing things! The idea behind this mailer was to show the history of Black folks elected to the CA Delegation and the fact that there is major under representation, but that the voters could change that by voting for Sean. Please check out the great work that Sean does at
Sean is a wonderful human, doing amazing things! This hilarious, and charming idea for a supporter mailer he sent out for his campaign, shows just how dedicated he is to making the world a better place, especially for Black and Brown folks in his community. Please check out the great work that Sean does at
This was my 3rd year working with MCAF on their Fair materials. I love working with them, and making their themes come to life! Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the 72nd Annual Fair was cancelled, but they are still pressing on. I hope to work with them on the 73rd Fair for 2021! Check them out at!
This was my 2nd year working with MCAF on their Fair materials. I love working with them, and making their themes come to life! Check them out at!
This was my 1st year working with MCAF on their Fair materials. I love working with them, and making their themes come to life! Check them out at!
Commissioned by Cascade Chiropractic & Wellness to create a promotional flyer for their office to be distributed at a nearby new apartment building. Check them out if you ever have any back pain or just need a relaxing massage. I personally have been going to them for years and always feel 100% better after my visits.
Commissioned by Audentes Therapeutics to create a logo and t-shirt design for a collaboration project between Audentes and Workplace.
Original illustration by Alphonso Ramirez, Adobe Photoshop, Full Color, 638px x 826px
Original illustration by Ellie Brown, Adobe Photoshop, Full Color, 8.5" x 11"
Original illustration by Matt Wutsch, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator
Original illustration by Alphonso Ramirez, Adobe Photoshop, Full Color, 8.5" x 11"
Background art by Jesus Zuniga, Adobe Photoshop, Full Color, 8.5" x 11"
Figure & background art by Jesus Zuniga, Adobe Photoshop, Full Color, 8.5" x 11"
Love helping this organization out! They had a great idea for National Womyn’s Month this year, and I got to make these fun designs and more! Check them out at!